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Wood Care

Mark's Hardwood Flooring LLC

Tips to Care for Your Wood

At Mark's Hardwood Flooring LLC, we believe in the power of hardwood. With the right care and maintenance, your hardwood can last a lifetime. Here are some tips to keep your wood in tip-top shape. You can contact our team for repairs, restorations, and refinishing at any time. We'll give you a free estimate!
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Clean up spills promptly

A black check mark on a white background.

Use approved wood cleaners like Bona

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Use furniture pads when moving furniture

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Protect from too much direct sunlight

A black check mark on a white background.

Invest in door mats and rugs

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Keep pet nails trimmed

A black check mark on a white background.

Avoid moisture, water, and steam

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Sweep and dust regularly

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